Linked Ministries

Our church at St Jude’s partners with several mission agencies around the world, together with individuals who have had personal links with us, through prayer, financial and practical support. Every couple of months we get updates that are great to share. And here is our latest update for this Summer:

Mission Aviation Fellowship (Jo and Mike Riley).

SOMA – Sharing of Ministries Abroad

Church Mission Society (Aaron Stanbury in Kenya)

You can read Aarons latest newsletter here:

OMF in Japan with particular links with Nanae Church on the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido.

TEN (Transforming Europe Now)

As part of encouraging members of St Jude’s to find their role in a ministry, we often find we join in with other city-wide teams. Below are some links to a few of those local ministries.

Street Pastors

Shekina Mission


Devon and Cornwall Refugee Support Council (DCRS)

From time to time we also support other small projects such as the University of Plymouth Christian Union; providing financial support for a toilet in a primary school in Democratic Republic of the Congo; the provision of new equipment for Plymouth Street Pastors; together with donations to international disaster funds.